Sexe graphisme et vidéo



Une série dessinée par Tom of Finland, un merveilleux dessinateur grand spécialiste du graphisme homoérotique


L'histoire d'une rencontre entre un stoppeur et un motard, la pluie qui les oblige à se mettre à l'abri d'un hangar, une pulsion sexuelle réciproque, leurs prouesses sur un lit de paille, le retour du beau temps, le regard curieux et intéressé du fermier de passage, un trio qui se constitue et pour finir un coït d'enfer à trois. Cette histoire est déclinée en couleur, en noir et blanc, en grand dessins et en petites vignettes. Un luxe ! 




A series designed by Tom of Finland, a wonderful homoerotic designer. 




The story of a meeting between a hiker and biker, the rain that forces them to take shelter of a shed, a reciprocal sexual drive, their prowess on a bed of straw, the return of good weather, the curious and interested gaze of passing farmer, a trio that was formed and finally a fabulous three-coitus. This story is available in color, black and white, large drawings and small thumbnails. A luxury !







Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 01





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 02





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 03





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 04





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 05





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 06





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 07





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 08





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 09





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 10





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 11





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 12





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 13





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 14





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 15





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 16





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 17





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 18





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 19





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 20





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 21





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 22





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 23





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 24





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 25





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 26





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 27





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 28





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 29





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 30





Tom of Finland - Tom Sex in the Shed, 31

Sam 2 jan 2016 Aucun commentaire